why you need to find your signature look

Does finding your ‘signature style’ sound like one of those Cosmo quizzes we used to do as teenagers? Do you think it’s just for fashion editors? I’m not exaggerating when I say;

establishing a ‘signature style’ will change your life.

It will save you more time and money than you ever thought possible, let me convince you.

It will save you time

we send our children off to school in a uniform because it’s simple, one less thing to think about while they get on with more important things like learning, playing, and making friends.

Having your own uniform frees you up so you can get on with what matters. Let’s say you spend 5 minutes a day deciding what to wear. that adds up to 30 hours a year! life is too short.

You probably already own the key pieces of your signature look. They’re the pieces you reach for day after day. Is it jeans and T-shirts? fitted shift dresses? tailored trouser suits? Pin it down, refine it then discard anything that doesn’t fit.

I’d describe my style as ‘French chic’ I like high waist skinny jeans, plain T-shirts, boots and minimal make-up. it takes me about ten minutes to get ready in the morning. it fits with my lifestyle as a busy mum of three, this is important. Your clothes need to work for the life you have

It will save you space,

‘The term ‘capsule’ collection’ is a bit early noughties for me. I prefer to think of it as a ‘French girl closet’.

Paris apartments are tiny, there probably isn’t even room for a wardrobe in most of them. So in my mind, a truly chic French woman owns very few clothes; A perfectly tailored pair of trousers, a handful of good quality t-shirts in muted colours that fit and flatter, one jumper, in black or blue, but it’s cashmere, and a black jersey dress that can be worn anywhere, dressed up for a job interview or down for a day at the beach.

The average woman wears only 20% of the clothes in her wardrobe 90% of the time. That’s a lot of stuff in there that doesn’t need to be. Take everything out of your wardrobe, then put back only what you wear every day. Consider whether you even need a wardrobe at all.

It will save you money

The retail industry can only survive by convincing us we need to buy more stuff. Once you’ve worked out what you actually do need, you’re less likely to fall for the hype. No more triple-digit spending sprees in Primark. No more ‘adds to basket’ after a glass (or 3) of wine on a Friday night. Yes that floaty white Prarie dress is lovely, but I’ll stick the back jersey midi dress I bought from H&M ten years ago that makes me feel 5 pounds lighter, thank you.

If you love clothes like I do it can be easy to fall into the trap of buying clothes for the lifestyle we wish we had rather than the one we actually live. I love looking at pretty evening dresses, but I could count on one hand the number of times I’ve been on a night out in the last 6 years. I’d rather spend a little more on buying the best T-shirts I can afford because I wear them every day.

It will save you from panicking about what to wear

In my twenties, before every night out, I spend at least 30 minutes trying on outfits. Getting gradually more and more stressed. Despite constantly shopping for clothes (I was a fashion student) I’d never be happy with what I was wearing. Everything I’d try on made me feel fat, overdressed, underdressed, or just generally dissatisfied with my appearance.

Now I’m in my late thirties with young children I so rarely get to go out that when I do have a rare evening out, I want the build-up to be as enjoyable as possible. So my evening look is pretty much the same as my daytime look, just slightly dressed up, maybe with a statement piece of jewelry, a red lip, or simply a bit more eyeliner. though never all three at once.

It’s Ethical

Fast fashion is bad, it’s cheap, poor quality, made under dubious conditions, and designed to be thrown away. it’s (just about) acceptable for teenagers still discovering their style, although charity shops are a cheaper, and more ethical option. As grown-ups, I believe we have a duty to reduce our consumption, to shop responsibly, buy less, and buy quality from ethical brands where possible.

You’ll make an impression

Have you ever been to a party where someone was wearing the same outfit as you? Awkward isn’t it? Chances are anything you’ve picked up from the high street, thousands of other women are wearing it too. Having a signature look makes you memorable, It doesn’t have to be as OTT as Anna Wintour’s bob and sunglasses, or Lynn Yeager’s china doll makeup look. Perhaps you’re the woman who only wears black and blue, or you always wear chandelier earrings, even on the school run. what’s the one thing that makes you unique?

It might seem frivolous, self-absorbed even (although both qualities can be good for you in small doses) quite the opposite. Once you’ve found your uniform you’ll spend literally zero time worrying about what to wear. and you can get on with whatever you’d rather be doing.

white shirt £25.00, white t shirt jersey twill trousers £27.50 (all marks and spencer ) Denim Skirt £29.99, H&M Cashmire roll neck £69.99 Arkett

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