I finally did it!

So about 5 years I was lying on a sunlounger in Greece (don’t hate me, I haven’t been abroad since. ) My baby daughter playing in a tiny inflatable pool beside me. Notebook in hand I was jotting down ideas for a short book. Things to do in summer.

I had left my full-time job two years earlier when they couldn’t accommodate my childcare needs. And since then I’d I been

I’d been blogging on and off for over 10 years and like most bloggers, i’ve always wanted to write books as well.

My idea was a four part guide to living seasonally, making the most of the life we’re actually living, No FOMO, no spending money we don’t have chasing some impossible idea of what our lives ought to be.

Having three young children, a house move, and a career change or two has meant it’s taken five years to yet to this point. But I’m so happy to say I’ve finally found the courage to publish my first e book ‘101 scrumptious ideas for Summer

you can check it out now on Amazon, And it’s absolutely FREE to download on Kindle Unlimited!

I really hope you enjoy



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